Aboriginal Law > Websites |
Turtle Island Native Network - Court Cases section |
This website includes news about important court cases across Canada, as well as links to relevant case accounts on various official courts websites. |
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia |
This website includes analysis and publications on the subject of Aboriginal law. |
Thompson, Dorfman, and Sweatman LLP Barristers and Soliciters |
This law firm includes Aboriginal law as one of its areas of practice. Original articles and news on this topic are available at the website. |
Aboriginal Law and Legislation |
This website includes a wealth of links as well as original materials like annotations of key legislation, commentaries on court cases, histories of Aborignal-Canada relations, and so on. While the original material focuses on law, the links cover almost any Aboriginal issue one could think of. Unfortunately, the most recent updates seem to be done in 1998, so this is not the most current perspective. Also, many of the links no longer work. |
Forestry Law Blog (Christine Mingie) |
This site includes information and opinion about current events in Aboriginal law, as well as a host of other current issues in forest policy. |
Indigenous Bar Association |
Judgements of the Supreme Court 0f Canada
"With some exceptions from between 1985 and 1988, the collection includes all judgments rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada since 1985. It also includes all judgments pertaining to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms rendered in 1983 and 1984." |
Lawson Lundell Barristers and Solicitors
This law firm caters to the needs of corporations, with one specialization being in Aboriginal law. However, there is much interesting information and perspectives here, including legal opinions, summaries of key court decisions, and discussion papers. |
Native Law Centre of Canada (University of Saskatchewan) |
Includes a database of court cases from 1763-1978. |