Other Useful Websites |
Much of this page is derived from the work of Peggy Smith to produce a compendium of resources on Aboriginal rights and participation in the forest sector for the Ontario Professional Foresters Association (2005).
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Aboriginal forestry-related organizations and websites |
Other Aboriginal organizations in Canada |
Maps of Aboriginal communities, claims, and treaty areas |
International organizations and initiatives |
Federal government agencies and departments |
Provincial government agencies and departments |
Forest Industry |
Research and extension organizations |
Other websites |
Aboriginal forestry-related organizations and websites |
National Aboriginal Forestry Association (NAFA) |
Nationally, the most active Aborignal organization in forestry is NAFA. NAFA has been involved in international, national and provincial policy arenas since 1991, with numerous position papers and programs addressing increased Aboriginal participation in forest management. |
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER) |
CIER's website includes some useful resources specifically addressing the forest sector. However, this is not one of their greatest areas of focus. |
Indigenous Cooperative on the Environment (ICE) |
The ICE website includes a section on forest issues. |
Turtle Island Native Network Forestry Resources |
This website includes forestry-related news, program information, links to organizations, and more. |
Intertribal Timber Council (USA) |
Other Aboriginal organizations in Canada |
National political Aboriginal organizations |
The following national aboriginal organizations have formal accords with the federal government, signed in May 2005 |
Assembly of First Nations (AFN) |
"[T]he Assembly of First Nations represents status Indian communities (or “First Nations”—there are approximately 640) in Canada. About 80% of these communities lie within the commercial forest zone in Canada. The AFN works with the National Aboriginal Forestry Association at times on forestry issues, and also addresses environmental issues at different levels within their organization. See the Environment, International and Treaties and Lands section of the AFN website. The AFN Executive Committee is made up of Regional Vice-Chiefs from the provinces and territories." (Smith 2005) |
Métis National Council (MNC) |
The MNC is composed of affiliates in five provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. While MNC has some capacity to address environmental issues of various kinds, forestry has not historically been a strong file for them. Some regional Métis organizations deal more frequently with forestry issues. |
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) |
CAP is an organization established to represent the interests of Indian, Inuit, and Métis organizations living off-reserve, lacking formal status, and other "forgotten people". CAP's capacity to address forestry issues is also very small. |
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) |
ITK plays little role in forest management in Canada, because almost none of their members' territories include commercially viable forests. |
Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC) |
NWAC plays a role in many environmental issues at the national level. |
Other sources of information about Aboriginal organizations |
Aboriginal Canada Organization Directory (First Nations Information Project) |
Contains a large number of organizations of diverse purposes, with contact information and website links. There does not appear to be any information about Métis or non-status organizations. |
Maps of Aboriginal communities, claims, and treaty areas |
The Atlas of Canada |
Global Forest Watch Canada Interactive Map |
Chiefs of Ontario Interactive Map |
The Aboriginal Mapping Network |
International organizations and initiatives |
The Rights and Resources Initiative
A global effort to (1) substantially increase the forest area under local ownership and administration, with secure rights to use and trade products and services; and (2) dramatically reduce poverty in the forested areas of the world. |
The International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests |
Forest Peoples Programme |
"Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) advocates an alternative vision of how forests should be managed and controlled, based on respect for the rights of the peoples who know them best. We work with forest peoples in South America, Central Africa, South and South East Asia, and Central Siberia to help these communities secure their rights, build up their own organisations and negotiate with governments and companies as to how economic development and conservation is best achieved on their lands." (from website) |
Federal government agencies and departments |
The Government Electronic Directory Services
An extremely useful and functional directory service to find almost anyone in the federal government, their contact details, and their title. You can also map out the organizational structure at any level, starting from anywhere. |
Provincial government agencies and departments |
Aboriginal Canada Portal: Provincial and Territorial information
Includes a large amount of information organized by province or territory. |
Forest industry |
Forest Products Association of Canada
FPAC maintains an Aboriginal Affairs file, which among other things has made contributions to the maintainence of the Forest Home website. |
Research and extension organizations |
The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development |
The research done under this project has been very influential over the past 20 years. |
Institute on Governance
The IOG does a lot of research on questions of Aboriginal policy, community capacity, and forest industry relations. |
Chair of Sustainable Forest Management (l'Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue)
This Chair is not focused specifically on Aboriginal issues, but does devote some research effort to them. |
Faculty of Forestry and the Forest Environment (Lakehead University)
Peggy Smith has some references, course information, and other information regarding Aboriginal issues in sustainable forest management. |
Faculty of Forestry - First Nations Forestry Initiative (University of BC)
This site includes a number of links and a short bibliography in the references section. |
First Nations Cohesion Project |
None of the work done here relates directly to the forest sector, but many of the issues, such as capacity building, are relevant. |
Sustainable Forest Management Network |
Caledon Institute of Social Policy |
Caledon occasionally produces studies relevant to Aboriginal social policy, though rarely related directly to the forest sector. |
Forrex: Supporting Sustainable Natural Resource Management Decisions |
The Forrex website includes a section devoted specifically to Aboriginal forestry, including tools, research papers, conference proceedings, and other useful information. |
Other websites |
Northwatch Forest Project (Ontario) |
This website provides information about the process, schedules, and other topics in forest management planning in northeastern Ontario. |
First Nation Information Project
Provides links and directories covering a wide range of topics. |
Faculty of Forestry - First Nations Forestry Initiative (University of BC)
This site includes a number of links and a short bibliography in the references section. |
First Nations Periodical Index |
First Nations Statistics (University of British Columbia) |
This site provides many links to sources of statistics. |
Canadian Forests website |
This website includes a wealth of information about forests and forestry in Canada. There is relatively little information specifically about Aboriginal Peoples and issues. |
Canadian Cultural Observatory - Aboriginal Peoples section |
"The Canadian Cultural Observatory is an information service for all who are interested in Canada’s cultural development.
The Observatory is funded in part by the Canadian Culture Online Strategy and is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Observatory supports cultural development in Canada by:
- Informing the cultural policy and research community;
- Encouraging evidence-based policy analysis and planning;
- Stimulating community debate and improved knowledge exchange" (from the website)
This website includes a sizable collection of reports and links, with a focus on traditional Aboriginal culture. |