Why should I become a NAFA member?

Your membership in NAFA, whether you are an Aboriginal person or a participant in the forest sector, shows your support for NAFA's objectives and the overall goal of increased participation of Aboriginal people in the forest sector. Further, NAFA membership provides you with the opportunity to network with representatives from all areas of the forest sector including the Aboriginal community, various levels of government, educational institutions and industry.

NAFA membership also entitles you to make full use of NAFA programs and services, including special discounts on NAFA seminars. For its members, NAFA provides a forum to collectively raise concerns and provide constructive input into development of national forest policies and forest land management systems. NAFA members will be kept appraised of NAFA activities through annual general meetings, annual reports, newsletters, and special events and publications. The newsletters will provide an opportunity for information sharing among NAFA members through the publication of members' articles.

Can I make a donation?

Any person or corporate entity making donations to NAFA will be publicly recognized as a NAFA sponsor. When the donation is greater than the membership fee, sponsors will enjoy all of the privileges of the membership type for which they are eligible.

How are my membership fees and donations to be spent?

Membership fees will be administered through a separate bank account and used to cover the cost of administrating the NAFA membership which could include: the organizational costs related to annual general meetings, elections of the board of directors, costs associated with the annual report and the printing of membership documentation. Membership fees will not be used to cover NAFA's overhead or special projects. Donations by sponsors could be used to support specific NAFA projects in such areas as employment and training or business development, etc.

What kind of membership is available?

Regional Affiliate: Regional or provincially established organizations that are controlled by more than one First Nation or by one or more Tribal Councils and are interested in furthering the objectives of the Association.

Organization Member: First Nations, First Nations-controlled organizations, Tribal Councils, and all other Aboriginal organizations, either for profit or not, that are interested in furthering the objectives of the Association.

Individual Member: Aboriginal individuals that are interested in furthering the objectives of the Association.

Associate Member: Non-Aboriginal organizations or individuals interested in furthering the objectives of the Association.

Student Member: Individuals who are registered as full-time students in a vocational, technical or post-secondary institution.

Choose the membership category that applies to you or your organization, complete and "send" the form, and mail your cheque or money order to National Aboriginal Forestry Association.

Step 1: Choose a Membership Category

Category (see above) 2 years  
Regional Affiliate $150  
Organization Membership $150  
Individual Membership $150  
Associate Membership $150  
Student Membership $20 for period registered as a full-time
student at a recognized institution