News > New Additions |
Updates to the Forest Home website have been suspended for the time being. |
May 22, 2007 |
Rogers, J. 2007. Reshaping Crown- First Nation Relationships amid Changing Contexts: An examination of the intersection between the Crown’s promise of a New Relationship and the implementations of the Forest and Range Agreement. |
As of June 2006, despite court rulings and sustained political opposition, one-hundred and six First Nations had signed Forest and Range Agreements/ Opportunities, providing access to seventeen million cubic meters of timber and sharing more than one-hundred and twenty million dollars in revenue. The legality and ‘fairness’ of these policies has been analyzed and discussed, however FRAs continue to be ratified with little research on how they are actually working on the ground. Using anthropological and political-science research and analytic tools, the thesis examines the state of the implementation of the Gitxaala Nation’s Forest and Range Agreement in the era of the New Relationship’s commitment to work towards the reconciliation of Aboriginal and Crown titles and jurisdictions. The examination demonstrates that the New Relationship’s vision is ambiguous and has resulted in a lack of a shared understanding concerning objectives and successful implementation. The findings indicate that this lack of mutual understanding is impeding the establishment of a truly new relationship in which the Crown and the Gitxaala Nation can work together to successfully implement the FRA. Furthermore the case study demonstrates that Provincial policy without clear directives allows for interpretation by local policy implementers which is resulting in discrepancies in policy outcomes. In the case of Gitxaala, until clear policies and directives are developed that respond to a mutually understood vision, the New Relationship and the FRA simply represent a ‘new’ Provincial tactic for the Province to maintain a hold on resources and create certainty for industry in an era of strengthened Aboriginal claims. (Abstract) |
April 22, 2007 |
Recommendations of the Aboriginal Capacity Working Group (March 2007) |
Discussion Paper: Building capacity of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada's forest sector: Rationale, models, and needs. (March 2007) |
Challenges and Options for Developing a System to Track and Report on Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights and Participation in the Forest Sector (March 2007) |
Wendake Action Plan from Indigenous Peoples' Forest Forum of the XII World Forestry Congress (September 2003) |
April 17, 2007 |
Draft Regional Forest Ecosystem Management Plan for the Kaska Traditional Territory (Kaska Forest Resources Stewardship Council , June 2006) |
Appendix 2 of this document provides a Traditional Knowledge Protocol. |
March 13, 2007 |
Ontario Trapping Harmonization Agreements (April-May 2006) |
Trapping Harmonization Agreements were signed between Ontario and each of the three provincial/territorial organizations (PTOs) in the province. Click here for information about the agreement with the Grand Council Treaty Three. Information for the other two PTOs, the Union of Ontario Indians and the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, has not been located to date. |
March 7, 2007 |
Provincial Policy for Consultation with First Nations (Province of BC, October 2002) |
This Policy is prior to the Haida and Taku River Tlingit court decisions. Many changes relevant to consultation policy and practice have taken place in BC since that time. |
BC Ministry of Forests and Range's Aboriginal Rights and Title Policy and Consultation Guidelines (2003) |
First Nation Consultation and Accomodation: A Business Perspective (January 2007) |
The Government of Alberta's First Nations Consultation Policy on Land Management and Resource Development (May 2005) |
The Government of Alberta's First Nations Consultation Guidelines on Land Management and Resource Development (September 2006) |
The Government of Saskatchewan Guidelines for Consultation with First Nations and Metis people: A Guide for Decision Makers (May 2006) |
Interim Guide for Consulting the Aboriginal Communities (Province of Québec, April 2006) |
Comments Regarding the Government of Québec's Interim Guide for Consulting First Nations (Algonquin Nation Secretariat, November 2006) |
Consultations Protocol for First Nations of Québec and Labrador (Assembly of First Nations of Québec and Labrador, October 2005) |
This is a big file, over 2 MB in size. |
February 25, 2007 |
A New Direction for Strategic Land Use Planning in BC (Integrated Land Management Bureau, Dec. 2006) |
This synopsis includes description of a new framework and process to address the New
Relationship commitments to strategic land use planning with First Nations. |
February 15, 2007 |
True Partners: Charting a New Deal for BC, First Nations, and the Forests We Share (B. Parfitt 2006) |
First Nation Consultation and Accommodation: A Business Perspective (Submission to the New Relationship Management Committee, BC) |
A coalition of ten business associations, including the Coast Forest Products Association and the Council of Forest Industries, authored this paper at the request of the Government of BC and the BC First Nations Leadership Council (the "New Relationship Management Committee"). |
February 14, 2007 |
National Forest Strategy Aboriginal Capacity Working Group - teleconference notes - February 2, 2007. |
Aboriginal Involvement in Forestry in Ontario: Fact or Farce? D. Fernandes. December 4, 2006. |
The Legacy of Condition 77: Past Practices and Future Directions for Aboriginal Involvement in Forestry in Ontario. D. Fernandes. December 2006. Masters Project. University of Toronto Faculty of Forestry, Toronto. |
January 25, 2007 |
Alberta Interim Métis Harvesting Agreement (October 2004) |
This agreement makes provisions for Métis people to hunt and fish without a license on Crown lands. On January 23, 2007, the Court of Queen's Bench ruled that this agreement is not legally enforceable. However, the decision also set aside the conviction of Métis man charged for trapping without a license, because it was deemed reasonable for the man to take the Agreement at face value as sanctioning the activity. Click here for a news release on this decision. |
January 22, 2007 |
Thomas, J. 2006. Forest high: School forestry program sparks interest. Working Forest 10:8. |
January 11, 2007 |
National Forest Strategy - Aboriginal Capacity Working Group meeting notes , December 14, 2006 |
National Forest Strategy - Métis Forestry WG teleconference notes: August 3, 2006 |
January 9, 2007 |
Turtle Island Native Network news and discussion forum for Aboriginal business |
Turtle Island Native Network news and discussion forum on the Métis |
Turtle Island Native Network treaties and land claims news and discussion forum |
Fenge, T. 2007. Listening to the north. The Globe and Mail January 6, 2007: Books. |
This is a review of three books that deal with the topic of traditional knowledge of northern peoples and what it can tell us about climate change and its impacts. |
"Hunting rights renewed" a January 3, 2007 article on the Supreme Court of Canada's Morris decision, which further defined the hunting rights of First Nations that signed one of the "Douglas treaties" in British Columbia. The full decision is available here. |
"History" is behind the rights and claims that some characterize as racist. Click here for an article on this topic: B.C. history, not race, fuels fishing decisions (Jan. 2, 2007). |
December 22, 2006 |
Mignone, J. 2003. Measuring social capital: A guide for First Nations communities. December, 2003. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Institute for Health Research. |
There is little discussion of unique First Nations issues in this paper. However, examples and references are made to a related survey tool specifically tailored to First Nations. |
The Northern Alberta Métis Project (Métis Settlements General Council and Natural Resources Canada 2004) |
This project targeted Métis youth to determine science and technology needs; to transfer relevant information; and to build the capacity within the Settlements to manage their own natural resources. Click here for the full report or the highlights report. |
December 20, 2006 |
Anderson, R., and C. Barnett. 2006. The Indigenous land claims in New Zealand and Canada: From grievance to enterprise. Regina, SK: Saskatchewan Institute for Public Policy. |
Hopwood, A., J. Mactavish, P. Smith, A. Moar, and G. Scott. Aboriginal Forestry Training and Education Review (AFTER): Phase I Final Report. February 1993. Ottawa, ON: AFTER Committee and the National Aboriginal Forestry Association. |
The linked document includes both Executive Summary and full report. Also click here for the Phase II final report, Aboriginal human resource development needs in the forest sector, December 1994. The Phase I report (p33) also includes a brief passage regarding the Alberta Métis involvement in the forest sector as of 1993. |
The landscape: Public opinion on Aboriginal and northern issues (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada 2005) |
What is traditional knowledge? (literature review) |
What is capacity and how can we build it? (some lessons from the literature) |
National employer demand survey for foresters and forestry technicians (Canadian Council of Forest Ministers 2004) |
Mabee, H.S., and G. Hoberg. 2006. Equal partners? Assessing comanagement of forest resources in Clayoquot Sound. Society and Natural Resources 19(10): 875-888. |
"Using a case study of Clayoquot Sound, this article examines progress and challenges with creating an equal partnership in a case of comanagement of forest resources between indigenous peoples and the state in Canada. The analysis of participants' perceptions revealed a need for careful definition of key terms used in comanagement arrangements to ensure shared understanding and interpretation of goals among the parties, especially given the different worldviews and knowledge systems used by the two parties. In addition, it was found that equality must be analyzed separately for each key function of comanagement, as different factors are involved. Equality in decision making was constrained primarily by the structure of statutory authority, whereas equality in planning was constrained by the capacity gap. Although truly “equal” comanagement has not been achieved in Clayoquot Sound, positive benefits of relationship building and cross-cultural exchange have developed. " (Abstract) |
The Government of Saskatchewan Guidelines for Consultation with First Nations and Metis people: A Guide for Decision Makers (May 2006) |
Mi'kmaq Nova Scotia First Net Job Postings |
The jobs here are from almost any category, and they are not always specifically directed at Aboriginal people or issues. |
December 19, 2006 |
Report Shows Aboriginal Students Making Progress (BC) |
Aboriginal Network Newsletter (Statistics Canada Western Region, Winter 2006) |
Includes pointers on how to find Aboriginal data from Statistics Canada. |
Winter-spring 2007 - Workshop on Cultural Values and Forest Land Use Planning. Offered on demand from communities and organizations. Cortex Consultants, BC. |
December 7, 2006 |
R. v. Sappier; R. v. Gray (December 7, 2006) |
The Supreme Court upheld the rights of native people to log Crown land for personal use, issuing a unanimous judgment Thursday on two New Brunswick cases. A key feature of this decision is the confirmation that rights to resource uses cannot be "frozen in time", but rather must be understood as evolving in a modern context. Click here for the full case, and here for a brief article on the case. |
Aboriginal Law Developments in the Oil and Gas Sector -- the Dene Tha' Case (November 10, 2006) |
The Federal Court of Canada found that the Crown failed to consult with the Dene Tha' in a meaningful way regarding the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline project. |
November 24, 2006 |
The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development |
The research done under this project has been very influential over the past 20 years. |
Where's the glue? Institutional bases of American Indian economic development. (Cornell and Kalt 1991) |
This paper of the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development examines the challenges of finding a proper fit of Tribal governance institutions with (a) the demands of a modern business climate; and (b) the prevailing culture of the communities involved. Some striking illustrations from on-the-ground experience are provided. |
Center for Community Capacity (Louisiana) |
St. Francis Xavier University Ecological Knowledge Bibliographic Resources |
This bibliography contains many traditional knowledge references. |
Kaska Forest Resources Stewardship Council - Traditional Knowledge Tools |
The difficulties with devolution: Community-based forest management planning in the Yukon under Comprehensive Land Claims (Wortley, D., N. Krogman, and D. Davidson 2001) |
This report examines the role of the Alsek Renewable Resource Council in Yukon’s first forest management plan, and the challenges associated with the devolution of forest management planning responsibilities from the Federal, Territorial and Champagne and Aishihik First Nations’ Governments to a community agency – the Champagne and Aishihik Traditional Territory Forest Management Planning Team. Finalization of Yukon First Nation Comprehensive Land Claims and the subsequent formation of Renewable Resource Councils has created a framework for the involvement of communities who desire a meaningful role in Yukon forest management and policy development. This community-based forest management plan is being developed on two million hectares of Champagne and Aishihik’s Traditional Territory in southeast Yukon. Data for this project was collected primarily through interviews with community, forest industry, and government representatives. The results show that Yukon community members face a daunting task. The experiences of the Alsek Renewable Resource Council and the Champagne and Aishihik Planning Team illustrates that if community-based forest management planning is to succeed in the Yukon a number of conditions are required. Government must acknowledged that RRCs have a legally mandated role in forest management decision-making by developing specific policy for implementing RRC recommendations. Government must acknowledge that community-based groups have the capability to make informed decisions that will benefit both the community and the forests. In order to accomplish this foresters must work cooperatively with community members to ensure that the best possible forest data is made available to the participants in community-based forest management planning processes. New Government policy must be formulated to accommodate the recommendations of the community-based organizations. The investigators believe that for community members to remain actively involved in community-based management they must observe that their recommendations are implemented by Government. The investigator’s are of the opinion that in order to accomplish these criteria Government policy must strive to strengthen and maintain a trusting relationship between community and government partners. |
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The Métis Settlements in Alberta consist of eight areas totalling 528,000 hectares. At present (late 2006), this is is the only land in Canada governed by a Métis government. "The Métis Settlements General Council (MSGC) has legislation law-making authority over membership, hunting, fishing, trapping, timber and other matters relating to land. The MSGC may enact laws (General Council policies) that are binding on the General Council and every Settlement. These laws (General Council Policies) are equal in status to other provincial laws. It also has an administrative body which includes Strategic Training Initiatives (education & training), and Programs and Services Development. MSGC also owns three companies: MSGC Oil and Gas, Settlement Investment Corporation, and Settlement Sooniyaw Corporation. " (MSGC website) |
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Johnston, D. 2006. Connecting people and place: The power and relevance of origin stories. University of Toronto. |
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A traditional meteorological system:
Place a clean rock outside the tent. When you wake up the morning, check the rock. Here are the indications you might see about how your day is going to be:
Dry rock - sunny
Wet rock - rainy
White rock - snowing
Missing rock - tornado!
o o o |
The History of Medicine:
2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.
1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
2001 A.D. - That antibiotic doesn't work anymore. Here, EAT THIS ROOT. |
November 22, 2006 |
National Aboriginal Forestry Association (NAFA). 2003. Aboriginal-held forest tenures in Canada, 2002-2003. Ottawa, ON: NAFA. |
An update of this report will be published by NAFA in 2007. This report provides a quantitative breakdown of provincial/territorial tenure systems and the degree of Aboriginal participation in them. A discussion of key trends and events in each jurisdiction is provided, and the results are summarized at the national level using an innovative tenure classification system to allow this synthesis. |
Westman, C. 2005. Tutelage, development, and legitimacy: A brief critique of Canada's Indian Reserve forest management regime. Canadian Journal of Native Studies 25(1): 207-214. |
"Canada's management regime for forested Indian Reserve lands has attracted criticism from an array of sources since at least the mid-1980s, but has resisted change. The 1994-95 illegal logging on the Stoney Indian Reserves demonstrates problems with the existing regime." (Abstract)
This article is a brief summary of Westman's Major Paper for his Master in Environmental Studies at York University. It is not available on-line at present. The publishing journal provides online access to older back issues. |
November 20, 2006 |
Forest Peoples Programme |
"Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) advocates an alternative vision of how forests should be managed and controlled, based on respect for the rights of the peoples who know them best. We work with forest peoples in South America, Central Africa, South and South East Asia, and Central Siberia to help these communities secure their rights, build up their own organisations and negotiate with governments and companies as to how economic development and conservation is best achieved on their lands." (from website) |
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia |
This website includes analysis and publications on the subject of Aboriginal law. |
Consultation: Buildling Relationships (Adkins and Rosenburg 2005) |
The authors are affiliated with Thomson, Dorfman, and Sweatman LLP Barristers and Solicitors. |
Aboriginal and resource based economic development: An overview of recent trends and their implications for the business lawyer (Adkins and Neville 2001) |
The authors are affiliated with Thompson, Dorfman, and Sweatman Barristers and Solicitors. |
Turtle Island Native Network - Court Cases section |
Intertribal Timber Council (USA) |
Plantations, Indigenous rights, and genetically modified trees (Petermann and Langelle 2006) |
Aboriginal Resource Guide: A user-friendly tool to help you on the road to business success (Government of Canada) |
Kaska Forest Resources Stewardship Council Draft Regional Forest Management Plan (Yukon, 2006) |
"The Kaska Forest Resources Stewardship Council (KFRSC) is a group of people who will discuss and make recommendations for the future uses of the boreal forests of the South-East Yukon. The group is composed of members of the Kaska Nation, and members of the public, appointed by the government. These people all have a long history of life in the north, from Ross River to Watson Lake, and combine their experience and knowledge in this task. All values and aspects of forest use will be considered, both traditional and non-traditional, to develop a plan for the land that will try to ensure a working future for generations of Yukoners and Kaska to come." (from website) |
Council of the Haida Nation Land Use Planning (BC) |
Council of the Haida Nation Forest Guardians (BC) |
"The Forest Guardians were formed as a technical body for the Council of the Haida Nation. Our primary function is to track all forestry operations including the planning, layout, harvest, and deactivation process. Part of our mandate is to inform Haida citizens, and indeed all people of the islands. We strongly encourage people to become involved in the many issues that affect the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii." (from CHNFG website) |
Nicola-Similkameen Innovative Forest Society (BC) |
"Through the Nicola-Similkameen Innovative Forestry Society, First Nations, Government and Industry are working together as equal partners to manage the six Innovative Forestry Practices Agreements (IFPAs) on the Merritt TSA.
The First Nations people have always had close ecological ties to the land. Now, through the Society, we are ensuring that our traditional values and uses will be incorporated, and even enhanced, through our contribution to the resource planning process.
First Nations are involved in decision-making regarding resource planning and management and are represented on the Society's Board of Directors and Technical Committee. Decision-making by the Board is achieved through consensus rather than by voting majority" (NSIFS website) |
Turtle Island Native Network Forestry Resources |
This website includes forestry-related news, program information, links to organizations, and more. |
Yakama Forest Products (Washington State, USA) |
November 9, 2006 |
Native Employment and Native Tender Service (Nation Talk) |
November 7, 2006 |
Deadline December 1, 2006 - Call for papers, Sharing Indigenous Wisdom Conference. |
June 11-15, 2007 - Sharing Indigenous Wisdom Conference: An International Dialogue on Sustainable Development. Green Bay, Wisconsin. College of Menominee Nation. |
November 6, 2006 |
November 22-23, 2006 - Wild Salmon Summit. West Coast Vancouver Island Aquatic Management Board. BC. |
November 16-17, 2006 - 2006 State of the Fraser Basin Conference: Sustainability — Inspiring Action! Vancouver Conference and Exhibition Centre, BC. |
Deadline December 15, 2006 - Request for proposals for research on Aboriginal learning (Canadian Council on Learning) |
Deadline November 17, 2006 - Outreach Coordinator, West Coast Environmental Law, British Columbia. |
"Experience working with First Nations communities, governments and/or political associations would be an asset." |
November 2, 2006 |
NationTalk - an online source of news and discussion |
October 30, 2006 |
Update on National Forest Strategy Theme 3: Rights and Participation of Aboriginal Peoples |
Cree Hunters and Trappers Income Security Board (Québec) |
This is a legislated body in Québec that provides support for traditional livelihoods in the face of a changing landscape. It offers a guaranteed income to heads of household who are involved in traditional harvesting activities more days than in wage labour employment (total 120 day minimum). The Board is made up of six people, three selected by the Quebec Government and the other three by the Cree Regional Authority. Studies indicate that as a result of the program there has been a renewal of subsistence activities in Cree bush communities. |
October 26, 2006 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Aboriginal Research Pilot Program |
This program offers substantial funding opportunities in a framework that is largely academic. However, in recent years SSHRC has been developing innovative approaches to extend the relevance of academic research to better meet the needs of communities and practitioners. |
Deadline November 15, 2006 - Executive Director, First Nations Forestry Council. British Columbia. |
October 25, 2006 |
Tl'azt'en Nation and University of Northern BC Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) |
"The purpose of the Tl’azt’en Nation-UNBC CURA project is to enhance the capacity of Tl’azt’en Nation to effectively engage in culturally and ecologically sustainable natural resource management, and to enhance the capacity of UNBC researchers and their students to effectively contribute to First Nation community needs through collaborative research."
TThe CURAs are a program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The Tl'azt'en First Nation and the John Prince Research Forest of the University of Northern B.C. successfully applied for this funding to begin in 2003, with funding of approximately $900,000 over 5 years.
Newsletters of the CURA, as well as other products, can be found here. |
Northwatch Forest Project (Ontario) |
This website provides information about the process, schedules, and other topics in forest management planning in northeastern Ontario. |
October 23, 2006 |
The Northwest Communities Term Supply License (Saskatchewan) is one of very few Crown-land tenures in Canada held by a Métis organization. The License is to cut 351,000 cubic metres per year, for five years. It is owned by a consortium of seven Metis Communities (Ille a la Crosse, Buffalo Narrows, Pinehouse, Patuanak, Beauval, Green Lake, La Loche). These seven communities hold shares through a holding company (Northwest Communities Holdings Ltd). Northwest Communities Wood Products Ltd (NWCWP) is the company operating and holding the TSL license. The company has a Board of Directors overseeing business activities. Under the Board of Directors, there is provision for any number of business ventures, the main forest operations venture being Beauval Forest Industries Inc., running a post operation in Beauval. The company NWCWP is also involved, through a complex formula, with a share holding in the Meadow Lake Oriented Strandboard mill - this holding is done through the Province's own economic development Crown Corporation (Crown Investments Corporation). |
Stanley and Campbell (2006) developed this model specifically for the purpose of organizing thoughts around developing the capacity of Aboriginal communities to pursue opportunities in common with the developing forest sector as a whole in the Province of Saskatchewan. |

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Grainger, S., E. Sherry, and G. Fondahl. The John Prince Research Forest: Evolution of a co-management partnership in northern British Columbia. The Forestry Chronicle 82(4):484-495. |
The John Prince Research Forest (JPRF) was established as a co-managed forest between Tl'azt'en Nation and the University of Northern British Columbia, as an opportunity for these partners to blend thieir respective ways of understanding and managing forests to contribute to ecological and social sustainability. Using four criteria of successful co-management reported in the literature as critical to the early stages of partnership -- partnership buidling institutional structure, decision-making, and capacity -- we discuss the JPRF's performance during the first half-decade of its existence. The JPRF's early experience provides an example of the evolution of a co-management relationship that, while facing constraints and challenges in regard to some of the criteria, has provided the foundation for a strong future partnership. |
Krcmar, E., G.C. van Kooten, H. Nelson, I. Vertinsky, and J. Webb. 2006. The Little Red River Cree Nation's forest management strategies under a changing forest policy. The Forestry Chronicle 82(4): 529-537 |
"In this study, we explore alternative strategies available to the Little Red River Cree Nations for meeting their projected socio-economic needs using the natural resources to which they have access. We analyze outcomes from mathematical programming models for various forest policy regimes, ranging from current sustained-yield management to sustainable forest management. The potential outcomes of the two approaches are analyzed using financial returns, harvest volumes and ecological impoacts. Results indicate that decision-makers face significant trade-offs in determining an appropriate management strategy for the forest lands they control. Our main conclusion is that economic development strategies for First Nations must diversify away from forest resources in the long run if they are to be successful." (Abstract) |
The Government of Saskatchewan Guidelines for Consultation with First Nations and Metis people: A Guide for Decision Makers (May 2006) |
United Nations Development Program. 1998. Capacity Assessment and Development. Technical Advisory Paper No. 3. Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Program.
Institute on Governance. 2001. Capacity building handbook for public works. Ottawa, ON: Institute on Governance.
A joke: A Newfie decides to travel across Canada to see the Pacific Ocean. When he gets to Nanaimo, he likes the place so much that he decides to stay. But first he must find a job. He walks into the MacMillan-Bloedel office and fills out an application as an 'experienced' logger. It's his lucky day. They just happen to be looking for someone. But first, the bush foreman takes him for a ride in the bush in the company pickup truck to see how much he knows.
The foreman stops the truck on the side of the road and points at it. "See that tree over there? I want you to tell me what species it is and how many board feet of lumber it contains.” The Newfie promptly answers, "It's a Sitka spruce and contains 383 board feet of lumber." The foreman is impressed. He puts the truck in motion and stops again about a mile down the road. He points at another tree through the passenger door window. and asks the same question. This time, it's a bigger tree of a different class. "It's a Douglas fir and has 690 board feet." says the Newfie. Now the foreman is really impressed.The Newfie has answered quickly and got the answers right without even using a calculator!
One more test. They drive a little farther down the road, and the foreman stops again. This time, he points across the road through his driver side window. "And what about that one?" Before the foreman finishes pointing, the Newfie says, "A yellow cedar, 242 board feet." The foreman spins the truck around and heads back to the office. He's a little peeved because he thinks that the Newfie is smarter than he. As they near the office, the foreman stops the truck and asks the Newfie to step outside. He hands him a piece of chalk and tells him, "See that tree over there. I want you to mark an X on the front of that tree." The foreman thinks to himself, "Idiot! How does he know which is the front of the tree?"
When the Newfie reaches the tree, he goes around it in a circle while looking at the ground. He then reaches up and places a white X on the trunk. He runs back to the foreman and hands him the chalk. "That is the front of the tree," the Newfie states, cocksure. The foreman laughs to himself and asks sarcastically, "How in the heck do you know that's the front of the tree?"The Newfie looks down at his feet, and replies, "Cuz someone took a poop behind it."
He got the job. |
October 17, 2006 |
Canadian Cultural Observatory - Aboriginal Peoples section |
"The Canadian Cultural Observatory is an information service for all who are interested in Canada’s cultural development. The Observatory is funded in part by the Canadian Culture Online Strategy and is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Canadian Heritage. The Observatory supports cultural development in Canada by:
- Informing the cultural policy and research community;
- Encouraging evidence-based policy analysis and planning;
- Stimulating community debate and improved knowledge exchange" (from the website)
This website includes a sizable collection of reports and links, with a focus on traditional Aboriginal culture. |
As part of work in the Capacity Working Group of the National Forest Strategy Team 3, the National Aboriginal Forestry Association (2006) has proposed a conceptual model of how some of the ideas shown in other models on this page fit with issues specific to Aboriginal rights and participation in the forest sector of Canada. |

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The First Nations Forestry Program (2003) developed a "logic model" to show how it intends to meet its objectives, all of which relate to capacity buiding. This kind of model is different from the others shown above, because it focuses less on a theoretical understanding of capacity building and more on linking practical activities to the goal of building capacity building. |

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The Trapping Rights of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada (Monique M. Passelac-Ross 2005) |
This paper investigates the legal nature of the trapping rights of treaty beneficiaries in Alberta, with a focus on Treaty 8, signed in 1899. It examines different interpretations of the right adopted by the courts, by Aboriginal peoples, by government and by various experts and documents the erosion of the right resulting from government regulation and resource development. Finally, it suggests a more generous interpretation of the trapping right as a right to sustain a moderate livelihood. |
October 6, 2006 |
First Nations Strategic Bulletin (online news and analysis) |
October 3, 2006 |
Aboriginal Funding Tool |
This tool allows you to search for funding sources according to a number of different terms. |
November 2006 - First Nations Workshops: Introduction to Forest Land Use Planning. Cortex Consultants, British Columbia. Dates TBA. |
Dehcho Land Use Plan (NWT, 2006) |
Developed under the Dehcho Interim Measures Agreement with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, this plan involves strong leadership by Elders and traditional knowledge. The Final Draft was made available on June 12, 2006. |
Collars to Help Track Moose Decline (Waswanipi Cree Model Forest 2004) |
Waswanipi Cree hunters participate in a project to track moose over multiple years, in an effort to describe their response to habitat fragmentation due to a variety of disturbances, including timber harvest. |
Central Region Board (Central Region Nuu-chah-nulth and Province of BC) |
"Central Region Board (CRB), established under an Interim Measures Agreement between the Hereditary Chiefs of the Nuu-chah-nulth Central Region and the Province of British Columbia (the Parties), is a joint management process that oversees development in Clayoquot Sound.
The CRB serves as a link between the BC government, First Nations and other local communities. The Board has the responsibility of reviewing plans produced by any BC agency or ministry empowered to make resource management and land use decisions. The CRB ensures that First Nations and local perspectives are brought to bear in decisions regarding development in Clayoquot Sound. When considering issues, the Board strives to see a broad picture (the Nuu-chah-nulth concept of
Hishuk ish ts'awalk or "everything is one"). The social, economic and environmental concerns of First Nations and local communities are addressed in the review of proposals, applications, and strategic plans brought to the Board. All meetings of the CRB are open to the public." (from website) |
The Timber Fish & Wildlife Agreement and the Forests and Fish Report (Washington State) |
The landmark 1987 Timber, Fish, and Wildlife Agreement was triggered by environmentalist protests and a landmark court decision that confirmed American Indians' rights to protect the habitat of salmon and other fish to which they hold treaty rights of harvest. As a result, the forest sector of Washington State underwent a radical restructuring of power relationships and access to decision-making and scientific research. Since that time, the process has evolved into an elaborate system of scientific and policy forums. The most recent major event has been the listing of several salmon populations under the Endangered Species Act of the USA, thus triggering a requirement for habitat conservation planning to ensure their survival. The forest sector's response in Washington State was the Forests and Fish Report of 1999, and a series of legislative, policy, and scientific instruments to implement it.
There is no single source that provides easy access to the complex history of this policy forum, and the Aboriginal aspect is seldom given a strong focus. Call (2005) analyzes the lessons for collaborative processes in this case. Kepkay (2003) provides an overview of this history, although with an emphasis on theoretical perspectives on adaptive management and complex systems. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources website provides access to the adaptive management components under the Forests and Fish Report. The State Department of Fish and Wildlife website provides information about the habitat science and protection aspect of the policies. |
Exploring Aboriginal forestry and ecosystem-based management: A case study of Cowichan Tribes (Hutton 2004) |
September 28, 2006 |
B.C also needs to build capacity (North Island Gazette, September 28, 2006) |
September 20, 2006 |
Effective partnerships: Institutions for shared forest management and community development (Treseder and Krogman 1998) |
This is an annotated bibliography published by the Sustainable Forest Management Network. |
Articles for Western Native News (Cortex Consultants 2003-2004) |
Laurie Flahr prepared these articles to raise awareness of the support for First Nations forestry initiatives offered by Cortex, largely focused in BC. They cover topics such as balancing social and ecological health; forest enterprise modeling; and opportunities in new forest legislation in BC. |
Silva Forest Foundation Ecosystem-Based Planning |
The SFF and its related consultancy, Silva Ecosystem Consultants, have done a number of land use planning projects and other projects for First Nations across Canada. Their website describes the process they use, as well as providing some project documentation. |
Innu Nation Ecosystem-Based Forest Management Plans of Nitassinan (NL) |
In 2003, the Innu Nation of Labrador completed a set of plans at multiple scales (landscape and operational), using an ecosystem-based approach. |
Reports of the Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel (1994-1995) |
Although they were never adopted as formal policy or regulations, the recommendations of this Panel (Report #5) continue to be a key touchstone for the development of socially and ecologically responsible forestry in Clayoquot Sound. Report #3 is an in-depth study of First Nations' perspectives on forest practices, as well as an extensive inventory of traditional knowledge. |
Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans |
"The people of Canada, through Acts of Parliament have created and funded the Medical Research Council, National Science and Engineering Research Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to promote, assist and undertake research in the domains indicated by their names. In discharging our mandates, the Agencies wish to promote research that is conducted according to the highest ethical standards. The Agencies have therefore adopted this Policy as our standard of ethical conduct for research involving human subjects. As a condition of funding, we require, as a minimum, that researchers and their institutions apply the ethical principles and the articles of this Policy." (from the Mandate of the Statement) |
September 18, 2006 |
References on the American Indian use of fire in ecosystems. Bibliography by G. Williams, USDA Forest Service, 2003. |